We decided to move to Boulder. It is a completely different setting than California but as the months have passed, and the snow finally melted it has grown on me.
Moving here in the middle of a long, cold winter was tough. I swear, if it snowed one more time I was going to lose it! Snow in the middle of May is just RUDE! Yes, its beautiful and all but this girl needs to be warm!
Spring lasted about 24 hours and then we jumped straight into 90 degree days (YAY!). Now that things are blooming, turning green and warm - Boulder is an outdoor paradise. The mountains are beautiful and huge, the creek makes a great running path, bikes are welcome and the lightning storms are crazy.
Mike is out mountain biking most days and I do my best to try to run in this crazy altitude (makes me wonder how I ever ran a half marathon). Little tay is a champion hiker. She puts both of us to shame on the mountain.
If you ever find yourself out this way, let me know! We will be here enjoying the sunshine before winter brings its wrath again in a few months.